
Saturday, September 1, 2012

belated birthday post. [FOOD.]

since it's been exactly a week since my birthday, and also happens to be the first day of september, this is probably the last appropriate day for me to post all the yummy food i consumed on the day i turned 23.

my parents came into town for about 65 hours to celebrate (best birthday present ever) and our main activities consisted of eating, walking around, eating, laying down, eating, sitting by the pool, eating, and driving. oh and more eating. our first stop? Roscoe's chicken and waffles. 

you've seen these on my blog before, i believe. i just can't seem to get enough of this perfectly sweet, doughy waffles and crispy, salty fried chicken mix! my mom was dying to go, so i couldn't very well let her go back to New York without having been yet again...

for dinner, we dined at Prosecco, my favorite little Italian restaurant here in Burbank. connor came with us and we all ate far too much, none of which is pictured. apologies. and i won't even tease you by describing our incredible dishes...but i will show you this lovely photo of my mother reading and dipping in the pool at my parent's hotel - what we did all afternoon before the eating resumed...

on my actual birthday, my request was to go to Bea Bea's, my favorite breakfast place. can't complain about a weekend full of favorites :)

that would be french toast with strawberries and nutella. to die. and i ate almost the entire thing, too.

that last slice was consumed about 14 hours later, post drinking and birthday party festivities. we skipped lunch for shopping in santa monica and driving along the PCH to malibu...not to mention being far to full to eat until dinnertime. we ate at Gladstone's, one of my parents' favorite places in LA. they used to go there a bunch when they lived here :)

i only snapped a photo of my entree - seared ahi tuna over goat cheese mashed potatoes and green beans. perfectly cooked, perfectly tasty.

i came home to a new tradition connor and i have for celebrating our anniversary in this apartment and being roomies. it's our first anniversary, but second time commemorating the occasion with hostess cupcakes and cheap champagne. last year we ate on the floor in my room, this year we upgraded to the kitchen counter :)

if you're wondering about birthday cake, since i clearly hadn't eaten enough food or even sweets already, don't worry. my parents got me 3 enormous pieces of cake from The Alcove in Los Feliz, which were enjoyed over the following 3 days by both me and connor. we had chocolate peanut butter, carrot cake, and red velvet. i obviously did not waste a single moment snapping away photos of my cake before i shoveled it in my mouth, but here's a lovely picture someone else took because they had more patience and will power than i did...

okay, i'm done. i won't even go on to tell you about the jar of nutella that only lasted 4 days. oh wait, i just did. best birthday of all time.

xo jordan


  1. wowzers that red velvet cake looks the BOMB! ive never tried red velevt, i thinks its an american thing... looks pretty cool tho!
    HAPPY (belated) BIRTHDAY!!!!!

    it looks like youve had quite the party :-)

  2. Hey, sweets! Just read your comment on my blog-- I WAS at Carnival! Watched something called "Gayladdin"...absolutely incredible. Glad to find another LA blogger!
