
Monday, October 15, 2012

5 foods making my life better today.

food makes me happy, it's as simple as that :)

try these if you're in need of some new eats for fall:

1. tj's nonfat greek pumpkin yogurt. i have no words. NONE. it's cream...yogurt? but creamy...really, really creamy. with spices. and oh my goodness it is amazing.

2. pb & banana quesadillas. i make the peanut butter with PB2 (since i'm incapable of having a jar of real nut butter in my house for more than three days...), slice up a banana, toss it in a soft, doughy tortilla, fold it in half and sprinkle it with cinnamon. best dessert-y, filling, nutrient packed, protein-y, healthy breakfast ever.

3. tj's ginger cats cookies. confession - these didn't last more than 60 hours. oops.

4. brussel sprouts with bacon and garlic. easy peasy and perfect for autumn!

5. dates. in a salad. or more specifically, this salad. arugula + dried cranberries + dates + goat cheese + apple + shredded carrot + drizzle of balsamic vinaigrette. so awesome.

 happy monday, lovelies.

xo jordan

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


so i've been a little m.i.a. the past few days, but it's for a good reason this time! promise.

i'm in a show!

fully aware that picture is the tiniest thing ever, but there will be many more photos to come. i'll be performing with musical comedian Stephen Sorrentino at the El Portal Theater in North Hollywood today through sunday and i'm super excited :)

hopefully i can squeeze in a post between now and the end of all this performance madness (the good kind), but if not, come out and see the show if you're in the LA area!!! it's pretty awesome. more about it here.

xo jordan

Thursday, October 4, 2012

breakfast in bed. [healthy indulgences]

sometimes you just need to have a little treat to start your morning off right...and sometimes you need to eat that treat all cozied up in bed with a hot cup of coffee while reading your favorite blogs...
and by you, i mean me.

pumpkin cream cheese stuffed cinnamon raisin french toast
for one.

2 pieces ezekiel cinnamon raisin sprouted bread
1 large egg
3+ tablespoons skim milk 
cinnamon (to taste)
pumpkin cream cheese (light whipped cream cheese + pumpkin puree to taste)
maple syrup (for topping)

take a wide bowl or plate with sides and combine egg, milk and cinnamon. coat each side of bread for 20 seconds and place on pan over medium heat. cook until golden brown on both sides. repeat with other slice. coat one piece with pumpkin cream cheese, top with the other, and drizzle with maple syrup or other toppings of choice!

i really want to try this with nutella...and/or strawberries...and/or carmelized bananas. oh goodness, the possibilities are endless! best healthy-yet-indulgent-breakfast-in-bed ever. also, this happened: 

can you tell i'm ready for fall? this may be the first time since spring that my weather forecast doesn't say anything higher than 90 degrees. haaaaaaallelujah!

xo jordan